Hello there, dear visitors!

HelloBlog blog (as I called it after my aka identity, “HelloColor”) is, in general, the output for my everyday online cool-hunts, and eventually for the news related to my personal website at nolbert.com
I hope you’re having a nice time browsing the blog!


Personal site
Facebook page

  1. Hi Pawel

    Just really wanted to pay you some great compliments on your work. I am very new to graphic design, and have for the last 12 months been following the tutorials on the web and building up my photoshop resources. I currentley use CS2 and am just getting to grips with it now. I have done some recent works, but mainly flyers and posters etc for local bars and clubs.

    Its people like yourself that inspire me to do more, learn more. I am 33 and you at 22 have achieved a great deal in design pieces.

    I take my hat off to you, well done, keep up the good work, you inspire me.

    If you have any good websites with resources then please do pass on.

    Once again thank you



  2. R. John said:

    Hello Pawel,

    I really like your style and the colors you’re using.
    But i wanted to know which programs you are using for the “tapes”. Do you draw them with paths in photoshop and then add the highlight and shadows with a new layer with the brush? i dried to draw them with a brush and the option for pressure. but that’s not the right thing. do i have to draw them one by one with a path?

    hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much!

    R. John

  3. yatzer said:

    Dear Mr.Nolbert..i am flattered by your awesome color illustrations…and your hellocolor site is great!

    keep inspiring us boy!

    kind regards


  4. Thank you so much for mentioning my site on your blog! I really appreciate it — especially to share the same page as so many great designers/photographers.

  5. Marius said:

    Man Pawel!

    The new update is brilliant. There are such strong and bold works in there. I really enjoyed going through it.

    Good luck and all the best my friend


  6. Sennep said:


    I am writing to tell you about our recently launched online Annual Review for the BHF.
    The Annual Review is about connections and shows how the pioneering research, vital
    information, care services and campaigns for change link up in the fight against heart
    disease. The content can be explored through typographic navigation.

    You can see the website here:


    Thanks very much for your time.

    6 Disney Street
    London, SE1 1JF

  7. Hi Pawel,

    Just wanted to to say thank you and compliment you on your own work. Great job.


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